Freddie Mercury Scholarship: Vez Maxwell's Latest Blog

Since my last blog entry, I have finally got a band together to perform live with! We have been rehearsing for some gigs coming up this summer and constantly thinking of new ideas for my E.P, which is now scheduled for release in October! Our final studio sessions are coming up later this month and the beginning of next, then the songs will be ready for mixing. 

It’s been a fun process full of hiccups (that you can’t predict when you haven’t done this before), learning curves and enjoying the creative cycle from paper to the studio. With all of this scheduled, I have taken some time into putting my new website together and working with a graphic designer to do the artwork for my E.P. 

The best thing is that I have found, is that it is refreshing working with new musicians, it has really brought a lot of life to my music that I wasn’t achieving before. I’m now extremely excited to carry on working with them, delving into further elements of songwriting this summer and developing an artistic fingerprint. There have been moments in rehearsals where everyone starts improvising and I just stand there in admiration of how talented the people around me are, thinking how lucky I am to have them there! 

This summer, I plan to spend a lot of time writing new material; focusing on music production in the aim to of getting together a bank of comprehensive demo’s. The whole recording and rehearsal process has made me realise how important it is to have good demo’s and to at least attempt to write rough parts for other instrumentalists so that they have an idea of the sound you are going for. It’s a lot easier to show them this, than try to explain what you want when you don’t play their instrument! 

I’m really looking forward to the rest of what 2017 has in store, things are only just picking up and I’m excited for what is yet to come...

instagram- @vezwell