I was sitting in a hotel at breakfast in Dresden on Sunday, when I was looking around the room and my eyes set upon a glass display cabinet for porcelain. Totally unexpectedly I found a lump in my throat. It reminded me so much of the time when I had been out and bought one similar for Freddie so he could show his antique Meissen dinner service. I could just see Freddie placing each piece so very carefully…..

Paul asked what I thought has given Queen their longevity.
I would have to say that it was because they all wrote such good music. If the music is good to start with, it will carry on for years. Look at the likes of Mozart and Beethoven. They wrote their music hundreds of years ago and people still listen to it. Remember, Queen’s first single was released 40 years ago.

Thomas asked if it was true that the band only communicated through lawyers during the Magic Tour.
The answer to that one is no, it isn’t true. There were times when strains showed, but that happened on every tour and this one was a big one, only playing to stadiums, so the pressures were that much more. Freddie was also feeling a bit more tired than on previous tours, but put that down to the size of the shows.

Adriana wanted to know how Freddie signed his cheques and official documents.
When Freddie signed autographs it was always Freddie Mercury. When he signed official documents and cheques it was F. Mercury. That way no autograph signature could be forged onto anything official. He changed his name in the early 70s, so Mercury was his legal name.

Faryd, along with a few others wanted to know Freddie’s thoughts on Mexico.
Freddie never told me he hated Mexico, but he did often mention the hostile reception in Pueblo, and so that did colour his thoughts about the country. He did wonder whether it was worth all the problems the band faced there, but in the end he would say that as in all the counties they vivited, there were some good fans there.

Paola asked what make of piano Freddie owned.
Freddie liked Yamaha pianos. He had one in Garden Lodge, one in New York and of course the piano onstage at all the Queen concerts was a Yamaha. This now has a good home in Brian’s house in Surrey.

Simon wondered what Freddie’s attitude to the modern social media would be.
I couldn’t see him using any of it to be honest. Both facebook and twitter can be intrusive, but really only as much as you let it be. True, he would have had to be much more wary on the street as just about everyone has a camera on their mobile phone, and any photo would be around the world before he got home. I think he would be quite sad that everything is available to everyone at the touch of a button, and it would be much easier for the whole world to be seeing the garden on his house even when he was at home. There seemed to be more respect in days gone by. Social media sites do have their place in this world, but should be used with a bit of tact.

Dhanadeva asked why no members of Queen have been knighted yet.
I can only think that Brian and Roger are not favourites with the major political parties. Roger is never scared of letting his political feelings show in some of his lyrics, and Brian offends many people with his support of wild animal causes and opposing hunting in Great Britain. These things seem to take on a great amount of importance against writing good music.

Joe asked about my transition from looking after Queen’s stage wardrobe to Freddie’s personal assistant.
It was quite easy really. I started work for Queen on The Crazy Tour looking after the stage clothes, making sure everything was prepared in the dressing room when the band arrived to get ready for the show. I would be around the stage during the show and then help them out of their wet cloths afterwards. When I started to be Freddie’s assistant all it meant is that instead of going home after the tour I went wherever in the world Freddie went. During shows I still took care of the band for quite a while until Tony Williams started to look after the clothes on tour. Oh, and Freddie generally didn’t eat any breakfast cereal.

Marina asked which Freddie’s favourite restaurant in London was.
Over the 12 years of working with Freddie there were a few favourites. There was La Famiglia and also Meridiana in Chelsea. He liked the Ponte Vecchio in Kensington and there was the old Country Cousins in Chelsea. You can’t forget Shezan in Knightsbridge.

Lily wanted to know if Freddie needed spectacles.
Freddie never used prescription lenses in the time I worked for him. He would often wear dark glasses, but that was as much for image as for real need. It really was a natural shine in his eyes that you see in photographs. During the last few video shoots Diana Moseley would have some Visine handy to help get rid of some of the redness in Freddie’s eyes and stop them from drying up too much under the heat of the lights.

Ok, a flying trip to London tomorrow then more English lessons for The Drops on Sunday. Chilli con carne or a Chinese meal for them…… decisions.. decisions…. Have fun until the next time!